Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Watching 3D movie made me pregnant ;)

Hello Dears,

There are some story you read and you ask yourself...WTF? ''This is one such story!

What the hell...?

No words....

Swedish news broadcast shows porn

In the foreground, the presenter spoke about the war in Syria, in the background on a monitor ran a sex film: A private TV station in Sweden has committed a serious faux pas.
The Swedish private television channel TV4 has run in its morning news in the background a porno. While the moderator spoke to a correspondent in Moscow on the Syrian conflict whille the erotic film was visible behind the presenter for about 10 minutes.

The student Danyal Ek witness the memorable show. "First I've noticed that I saw a naked woman, and then I quickly realized that they had sex," he told the Swedish news site The Local. "The image was not in focus, but it was not hard to figure out what was going on".

TV4 news editor Andreas Haglind confirmed that the adult film had been shown live, but claimed that didn't mean that a member of staff was actively watching porn.
He said it was screen was likely tied to a computer server elsewhere in the studio connected to other channels operated by TV4.

Outraged viewers Haglind comforted with the fact that the error had happened on Monday morning: "There all the children were in school." and that they would do everything possible to ensure that such an incident does not repeat.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Throw back...Togo vacations

Hello Dears,

three days ago I came back from my Togo vacations. I miss the great weather, good food and nice people. The most important person was my grandmother, I'd spent the first 10 years of my life with her, and they were wonderful years. I am grateful to God that I could hug my grandma again.Here are some pics of my time in Togo!

I enjoyed my homecountry

my two sons

my grandmom
my son enjoying the beach


trip to a former kingdom

Friday, December 21, 2012

Warm greetings from Togo

Hello Dears;

I sending you sunshine greetings from my homecountry TOGO
I am currentltly doing my vacation their and I'm enjoying it so much. I'm very excited to share my experiences with you :)
I'll be back in 2013 expect many photos :)

I hope you have a great time and you enjoy Christmas and new year

Love you and miss you

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ghana has voted its president!

Ghana voted their new president last Friday. The winner was announced yesterday. John Mahama was re-elected. He defeated his challenger, Nana Addo, with over 50% of the vote.

Congratulations John Mahama!


I read this article from TB Joshua Ministries on facebook. I really love the message: REJOICE
anyway, anytime and anywhere, because in all situation God is with you! WOW!

People of God, it is time to take back your situation from the hands of satan! How? By seeing that situation as a means of drawing you closer to God, not a reason to complain, grumble and fall into self-pity. Today, satan uses our situation to distract us from running the straight race with God. He is very subtle in using any slight opportunity to divert our attention when we are supposed to be focused on our Divine cause and course. Outward wants, afflictions and burdens are the great arguments satan uses to make the people of God question their sonship. 

Therefore, don’t be misled by your situation to fear! Don’t be deceived by your situation to question God’s goodness! Don’t be controlled by your circumstances to begin to compare yourself with others! Take it as a life lesson and see it as a reason to pray the more, believe the more and have faith the more. By this attitude, you have already taken back your situation from the hands of satan and it has become an instrument of strengthening your desire and determination to serve Christ. Therefore, you can be happy whereas there is nothing to be happy about on the outside! Rejoice! You are more than an overcomer!