Monday, June 25, 2012

Granddaughter killed by grandmother

This Sunday a two-year-old girl died from the consequences of her cut wounds. The parents took the child with her ​​five year old sister to the grandparents. The grandfather called on the night of Sunday, the police. An emergency doctor could do nothing for the girl. Probably has the grandmother of the girl, stabbed with a knife several times. The suspect was found drunk. This indeed happened in Germany in a small village.

I am shocked and saddened. Murders of children I think is the worst in the world. Small helpless creatures that can not defend itself. How much must this kid tried defend herself, how much she has been crying? The soul of the child may she rest in peace. If the grandmother has really done the crime, then she should be harshly punished. She can rot in hell then!

I myself have two children and try to be able to offset their parents. Such an act on her own child, can not be forgotten. But you can forgive it?
To be honest, I could not.

P-Square on the Top with Drake?

Can it be true, will there be soon a collaboration with the famous Canadian singer DRAKE and P-Square?

Today, this picture was posted on Facebook!
Do you think that it's a good mix?


Who says the living gifts can not be beautifully packaged?

Beauty of the Day

Jocelyn Dumas

This is a ghanian TV host and Actress, this woman is just BEAUTIFUL!

Will Smith slaps reporter

Will Smith gave a reporter a slap. Will Smith was in Moskow, in order to promote his latest blockbuster "Men in Black III, as embraced and kissed him, a Ukrainian reporter Vitalli Sediok. The reporter wanted him to kiss on the cheek, but unfortunately he came a little too close to the actor's mouth, Will Smith forgot his manners, and gave the reporter a slap.

I think that Will Smith had a bad day and the reporter had a stormy excitement. No one can make an reproach.

I feel sorry for the reporter, he was soon interviewed them.
Look what he said about the encounter.

Cutie of the day