Thursday, July 12, 2012

P-Square - Mother Died


Hello Dear Ones,
a very sad News has reach me.
The mother of the famous twins Peter and Paul Okoye, otherwise known as P-Square, died yesterday 11th July 2012 in an Indian hospital. Mrs. Josephine Okoye has long suffered from an illness, so she was brought to India for treatment. What disease that was, is not yet known.
May her soul rest in peace!
Mrs. Josephine Okoye
 I wish the Okoye family strength during this very difficult time.
"Any loss on Earth is also a winning in heaven"

cutie of the day

This is my personal cutie of the day! Just see this sweet smile is priceless. I wish you a wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012



Just one thing I want to know: WHY?

Celebrities Homes

Have you ever asked yourself how the houses of the biggest stars look like? Today I present you the most beautiful homes. Sit back and enjoy the view!

Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
Oprah Winfrey
Leonado DiCaprio

If you still want to see more pictures then click here Forbes

Cutie of the Day

Cutie of the Day
She is a really cute Girl. May she and her parents be blessed! Stay cute like this :)

Vlisco - Palais des sentiments

I think I do not exaggerate when I say that I adore Vlisco! There is no other manufacturer of wax-print, which I can compare with Vlisco! I love the unique design, the bright colors and quality fabrics. Name it!
If the price is not there would be, then I would probably have a complete wardrobe with fabrics! 

The latest collection of Vlisco is palais des sentiments, and is a touch of Oriental. I love the warm colors, especially in red shades (orange, purple, pink) is exactly my colors!

My last purchase (:-)



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Plus Size Womenswear by Kemi Farquharson

Kemi Farquharson
For plus sized women it is very difficult to find nice fitting Designer evening gown. But dear curvy beauties, there is HELP on the way. It's called Kemi Boutique!

Kemi Farquharson  was born in Nigeria, she grew up in London and established a first career in Business and Finance before Studying Professional Sewing, Pattern Cutting, Draping and Fashion Illostration at  Morley College...source 
Kemi's dress flatters the curves of a woman that allows her to feel like a goddess.

The Ready to Wear range serves customers from UK size 12 to size 24, and the bespoke service serves women of all shapes and sizes. 

Kemi Farquharson
Kemi Farquharson
For more informations and pieces, please visit their Website!